To view our Safeguarding policy in full Click Here
To view our Safeguarding guide Click Here
Stratton Team Ministry Safeguarding Children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults
“Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from the creation of male and female in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.
Diocese of Bristol 2014
Stratton Team Ministry recognises that it is the responsibility of all members of the parish to give paramount importance to the nurture and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults in a safe and secure environment. It is about preventing harm to children and adults wherever possible.
It is with this aim that that the Stratton Team Ministry have a robust Safeguarding Policy and Guidelines in place to ensure that a safe environment is maintained.
We want all members of the Stratton Team Ministry community to accept that it is each and every member’s responsibility to maintain a level of vigilance with regard to safeguarding issues and understand that it is the individual’s duty to refer concerns to the Parish Safeguarding Officers if there is cause for concern.
The Safeguarding Team
There are two joint Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) whose responsibilities are to receive referrals and concerns and pass them on to the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor in Bristol if the situation requires further intervention.
The person in receipt of allegations or suspicions of abuse should report concerns as soon as possible to Mrs. Mary Bosher (hereafter the "Parish Safeguarding Officer") tel no: 07798914506 or Dr. Mike Bosher (Joint Parish Safeguarding Officer) on the same telephone number.
You can also contact the Bristol Diocese directly using the contact details on this page:
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Dr Mike Bosher | Mrs Mary Bosher |
In the absence of the Parish Safeguarding Officer or, if the suspicions in any way involve either Safeguarding Officer, then the report should be made to The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor on 01179060100 in office hours. If urgent, contact either Social Services or the Police. The DSA would then contact the clergy or Churchwardens as appropriate.
Eyes and Ears; Additionally there are members of South Marston and Stanton churches who have agreed to act as eyes and ears for safeguarding and have a direct referral route to the Parish Safeguarding Officers:
They are: St Leonard’s Stanton Fitzwarren; Mr. and Mrs. C Pope
St Mary Magdalene South Marston; Mrs. M Crichton.
Stratton Team Ministry Mental Health First Aider
For those members of the Stratton, Stanton and South Marston Church communities who feel in mental crisis, the Stratton Team Ministry has the services of a mental Health First Aider. He is Mr Ian Jones, Deputy Church Warden for Stratton Churches. If anyone feels that they are in crisis, please contact Ian. He is not a counsellor but can help individuals during the crisis time and has resources and contacts for further advice and support.
His contact details are:
Mob: 07769703385